Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Blog for Tuesday, November 21, 2006 – I am being Geeky

As of today, Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - The planning is going along fine. I was extra worried in the beginning about being turned away from some nice vendors I knew of or wanted for our wedding. Other than the hall, we have managed to have an opportunity to choose among those vendors we like for the most part. Although I know I probably stressed Omar out with going here and meeting with someone here and there, and driving me here …and then there!! He has been such a helpful and patient groom.  He has kept me calm (or tried to!!) throughout this period – and I want to say Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Now I am actually enjoying the planning and meeting with people and talking on the phone asking questions and all of that. It has been a great learning experience but definitely a lot of work!

And can I just add that this countdown was clever on Omar’s part?!! It’s funny at the same time, but I like it! The countdown clock was added last night, Monday, November 20th. Stay tuned for more!!

Blog for Thursday, November 16, 2006 – Fun Car Searching

On this Thursday, we went to British Motor Limo services. We saw them at the October 14, 2006 Fall bridal show and even sat in it and knew we had to check these nice classic cars out! We had a nice tour of their location and a good amount of time with each car without too much pressure. We’re going to leave our choice a surprise but we’re both happy with it and the guy who helped us out was cool. Cheers to finding the transportation for the big day!!  Hopefully more to come!!

Blog for Sunday, November 12, 2006 – Cake Time

This Sunday we went to Renton to visit a local cake vendor and do some cake tasting. Yum! I unknowingly picked up what would end up being our choice of flavor! Omar actually flipped through some of the books with the pictures of the cake and we will have a final design for the cake designer by no later than early spring or with our pace right now….by year end. Although…I don’t want to feel bad about changing our minds (and I’m talking about my mind…not Omar….ha ha!) as the wedding date approaches, we may wait until early spring to provide the final design we want for the cake. The cake deposit is all taken care of though!  I am catching up with all of this blog stuff! LOL.

Blog for Saturday, October 28, 2006 – Relax time for us

Whew! A nice break for once! Both Omar and I got treated today to a nice Nordstrom massage. No wedding stuff today. That’s it! :-)

Blog for Wednesday, October 25, 2006 - Found The Dress!!!

I've been meaning to update this place...but as Omar will tell you - I've either been making phone calls, meeting with people or trying to find my dress. But exciting news!! Almost a month ago I decided on THE DRESS!! :-) After visiting over 6 bridal shops in the Seattle area over a period of a few months - I had eliminated it down to 2 stores. As I knew ordering the dress needed to be done ASAP to guarantee delivery and enough time for alterations by April of 2007...I had set a goal for myself to decide by end of October. So I went with my mom and sister on October 25, 2006 and let them see me in a few gowns before I decided. I don't think it was too painful for them as I had gone so many times and had narrowed it down substantially!! My mom and sister were with me for a total of less than 2 hours. :-)

The dress choice was between David's Bridal in Tukwila and Brides by Demetrios in Bellevue. It came down to what fit the best and which one put the biggest smile on my face! I love my dress! Omar hasn't seen it and won't see it until 2pm on May 12, 2007 though! All he needs to know is that my dress is black with orange polka dots to match his orange tuxedo!!!

:-) More updates on the way!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Wedding dress elimination

Monday, June 26, 2006

Cindy and Omar Engament

Cindy and Omar Engament
Originally uploaded by oalvarado7.
This is our engagement picture taken this last Saturday

Monday, June 05, 2006

Nice Presentation...

We went to Debra's (Cindy's friend's wedding) and at the reception, this salad caught my eye, very well done full size salad packed in a very small roll. Well done chef!


Friday, May 26, 2006

Wedding registry

We walked into Macy's home today and we were getting a gift for a friend. Well that's what we thought. We ended up registering for the wedding. We also got some information and Cindy got a gift for registering.

The registry will be up shortly with a link.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Photographer (E studio)

I got this photographer from Megan Vincent, She's a coworker who recently got married, and i asked her about her photographer. she gave me Ken's website and she will be letting us see her album, we will be looking at it and keeping it in mind.

Monday, May 15, 2006

New Website updates

We have made some additions to our website, however, we are still working on getting all images we need, to put them up on our web albums. Please keep dropping by for more updates. We are getting closer to finalizing a date, and this will mean more information on the website. Thanks for bookmarking this page, please be sure to bookmark www.cindyandomar.com also.

The Guest book is also on the works and should be up today. Please drop us any comments at our contact page or at our email address